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We may call it human decency, but it’s not just humans who have it. Bonobos, the friendly hippies of the primate world, are willing to help strangers even if there’s nothing in it for them,


What are marmosets known for?
An apt name, considering they are the smallest of the true monkeys (the lightest of the true monkeys is the pygmy marmoset). These monkeys use their specialized claws to establish a firm grip on tree trunks and gnaw little holes in the bark with their lower incisors and canines.

Food source
Feeding and diet of adult marmosets

In nature marmosets usually eat insects, but will also take snails, spiders, frogs, lizards and geckos. They will also eat various fruits, flowers, nectar, leaves and tree gum. It is imperative to feed them on a raised platform, since they like to sit and eat up in the trees.