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1 to 3.5 months – Milk composition is 4.6% fat, 1.8% protein and 7.6% sugar . Breast milk contains a higher energy density for male infants than for female infants .
4 months – Nutritional weaning begins gradually .
5 months – Infant weight is ~1 kg


Prenatal development: 5.5 months
Gestation – Gestation lasts approximately 5.5 months in macaques (rhesus: 146 – 180 days; cynomolgus: 153 – 179 days).
Maternal health – Maternal health has a profound influence on infant development. Stress and poor health in pregnant females may lead to permanent developmental and behavioural abnormalities in their offspring .
Infancy: 0-12 months
Birth – Typically a single infant is born, usually at night . Infant weight at birth is 0.4 – 0.55 kg (rhesus) 0.33 – 0.35 kg (cynomolgus) .
1 hour – Infant begins to suckle.
2 weeks – Mother begins introducing solid foods into the diet .
4 weeks – Infant weight is ~0.65 kg (rhesus).
6 weeks – Infant is able to move independently and starts to explore away from the mother.