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spider monkeys live in fission-fusion societies and members are often split into smaller subgroups.

They are highly frugivorous and fruit accounts for around 85% of their diet.

Despite their alternate common name, Peruvian spider monkeys, they are actually found in Bolivia


These cute boys are available for separate homes if interested.

spider monkeys are diurnal (active during daylight hours) and spend their time in the higher levels of the forest. They are skilled climbers and, aided by their long arms and prehensile tails, spend more time brachiating and hanging from branches than they do walking or running quadrupedally. Also called arm swinging, brachiating is a form of arboreal locomotion in which primates swing from tree limb to tree limb using only their arms.

Home ranges of groups are estimated to be around 642–964 acres (260–390 ha) and each female has a core area of the home range that she uses more than other areas. Around 30% of their day is spent feeding, usually on fruits that occur at the top of the canopy. The rest of their time is spent resting and traveling and individuals can range up to 2.5 miles (4 km) in one day.